Thursday, June 28, 2007

Brynn got a hair cut!!!

Well hello everyone. I wanted to let you know that I gave Brynn a hair-cut last night and I must say that it is just adorable. She was beginning to have a mullet and it was really bothering me so I evened things out a little bit!! I believe she is truly going to have curly hair.

Addison is just growing like a weed! We have been battling his attitude lately and are just praying that it is just a phase and it will pass soon!! Well I just thought I would post some adorable pictures of my babies!! Enjoy!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Happy late Birthday, Harley!!

Yesterday was my baby, Harley's, birthday. He was 3 years old and just brings so much joy to the Nichols house!! We got Harley when he was 11 months old and there have been many hurdles for him but all in all he has come such a long way and I just love him!! Happy late Birthday, Boo-Boo!!

Well it has been pretty idol in the Nichols house the past few days. Brynn is cutting two eye teeth so she has been cranky and Jamie has finally decided to get rid of some stuff out of our garage!! YAY!! So he has been busy with doing that and staying occupied with work has been pretty demanding for him. He had to stand duty Monday night and has to again on Friday so please keep him in your prayers because he is already exhausted and it is only Wednesday!!

Another big thing I almost forgot to brag about is that Addison is now completely out of diapers and pull-ups!!!! He was wearing pull-ups at night and late last week he decided that he wanted to wear his underwear to bed instead of his pull-up!! WOW!! I was floored that he just made that decision and has stuck to it! I hear him get up in the middle of the night or right before he goes to sleep and go potty and so far, no accidents!!! I am just so proud of the progress he has made not only in potty training but in the things that he is learning. I know I am partial but he is just so smart and really attentive when he is trying to learn something.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I am officially in the mommy club.

Bye bye Saturn, hello Nissan Quest!! The Lord has blessed our family with a beautiful new minivan! We have been praying for answers and guidance on purchasing a minivan vs. keeping our car. Last week we were blessed with an answer. We looked on craigs list and someone had posted the van we had wanted at the price we were willing to pay! I just love it! I know my family is laughing right now because I was the person who always said I would NEVER drive a minivan! Well here I am at the ripe old age of 25 loving my van!! Well, I think that is all that has happened in the last week so I will post more later!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

No more myspace..........

Hello everybody! As you know I have canceled my myspace page. I feel like this is a little more intimate. So I am going to try my hand at keeping it updated regularly! Well our first week back from AR has been good, just getting back into the swing of things! Jamie is officially back at work as of noon yesterday and is just going to be getting ready to go back to Iraq in late July for about 45 days. We are also embarking on some possibilities for re-enlistment. We are eligible in November of this year and luckily I think we are going to have some options. Though the neighborhood drama has simmered, we are ready to explore somewhere else the Marine Corps wants to put us! Who knows what will happen! Please keep us in your prayers for guidance and wisdom for the future. Well I suppose I should be doing some mommy and wifey things so I will post more later. God Bless!!